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Define Reimbursement Procedure

By Employee Handbook Store Staff Writers

Employee Expense Policy

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Below is a sampling of the section outlining employee expense guidelines and procedures for reimbursement.

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Reimbursement of Employee Expenses

The employee expenses section defines what expenses an employee of the company can typically claim and how to claim the reimbursement for the expenditure incurred on behalf of the company. It could include travel, hotel bookings and expenses to entertain clients.

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Reimbursement of Expenses

Expenses to be reimbursed by XYZ COMPANY must be approved in writing prior to expenditure. To receive reimbursement you must furnish the Accounting department with two items: receipts for all expenses (other than...(more)

We appreciate your expenditures on behalf of XYZ COMPANY and will make every effort to reimburse you in a most timely fashion.

If you require an advance for expenses, see your immediate supervisor.

More on this subject in the handbook template...

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